Governor Signs Insurance Bad Faith Statute For Auto Insurers | No. 1 Guide For All

Governor signed Insurance Bad Faith Statute into law some legislation to allow policyholders to sue their auto insurers for as much as 3xs the applicable coverage amount. Last week you were reading Reinsurance Renewals Vary Significantly By Line. This week we’re bringing you: How to combat the ‘bullwhip effect’*   Remember when we were bulk buying […]

The Social Pressure The Energy Industry Is Facing “Has Never Been Greater”

The energy industry in the United States is facing a wide swathe of challenges as it attempts to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last week you were reading Price Hikes Expected To Continue In 2022: Alera. This week we’re bringing you: People Moves: Petersen Named Head of WTW Broking; Moore Joins Board; […]

Get New Leads by Converting Existing Leads

Internet to direct mail mortgage leads

One of the most basic and important parts of establishing and growing a successful business is lead generation. Unfortunately, the most effective formula for lead generation is also an elusive one. People have used countless tools throughout the years and they’ve leveraged a vast range of strategies for scraping up new leads at every available […]

How Effective Website Design Can Generate Leads


Every business needs a lead generation strategy, and perhaps one of the best ones is having a well-designed website. Websites are very important when it comes to marketing small and big businesses alike. Not only will it increase your online visibility but it will also generate quality leads for you. Here are some essential components of […]

Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads | Complete Guide

Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads

Even though 260 million LinkedIn users may seem a pale comparison to Facebook, Google+ or Twitter users, the importance of LinkedIn in generating leads to businesses can no longer be ignored. As a professional social media platform, using LinkedIn definitely makes sense to businesses for building relationships, which are essential in cultivating, initiating and generating […]

Creating an Effective Call to Action Strategy

In today’s business world, employing a decent marketing strategy is one of the most important issues that business owners must take seriously. More often than not, businesses miss a lot of opportunities by ignoring a highly engaging call to action (CTA) marketing strategy, which is known to persuade customers. A call to action is defined […]

How to Effectively Work a Lead | Definitive Guide

There’s more to leads than generating them. Once you have generated (or purchased) the leads, the work is nearly just beginning. Now you have to work those leads and market them. Anyone can buy leads; it’s what you do with them afterwards that can set you apart from all of the other marketers. Is lead […]

How to Get the Most out of Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign: 3 Essential Tips

If you run a lending or insurance business then you’ve probably thought about dozens of marketing methods and techniques, and perhaps you have even implemented a few. Without a specialist’s experience, marketing can be a hit and miss—sometimes you “get it”, but other times you don’t. Direct mail marketing is one particular marketing method that […]

Internet Mortgage Lead Generation Ideas

Online Lead Generation

It’s a fact that you need leads to get clients. And you can get internet mortgage leads. But do they convert? The answer is a resounding yes! The Global Digital Statistics 2014 Report indicated that there are about 2.5 billion people using the Internet actively. Moreover, an analysis of 3.5 million mortgage leads generated online […]

How Your Landing Page Can Generate Leads

In the insurance and mortgage businesses, it’s always challenging to generate rewarding leads. To further complicate the situation, professionals have to constantly deal with fluctuating rates and increasing competition. However, by driving traffic to a well-optimized and designed landing page you can help turn your website traffic into engaged leads, and develop a marketing system […]