Salvaged Material Use – What You Need to Know

Do you try to make use of salvaged building materials whenever possible? We do too! But it’s important to use them smartly if you wish to enhance the value of your home. Here’s a bit of common sense advice on effectively using salvaged material: Keep future sale in mind If you regularly follow the practice […]

Freshen up Your Home with These Organization Apps

Most of us have many little projects all over our houses awaiting attention. There are things needing fixing, cleaning and moving. Other stuff needs to be sold, put away in boxes or tossed out. We’ve listed some useful apps that have a focus on home improvements, designing, decorating and beyond: Deco (Price: Free) This app […]

Keeping Your Home Safe for Children

We think a dream home is one that is essentially a safe place for everyone – old and young. From a grownup viewpoint, almost everything in a home looks perfect. But it’s important to have another, especially if you have children. Is the home safe from a small child’s viewpoint? Your home may have many more […]

8 Mistakes That Could Reduce the Value of Your Home

So you thought you can do just about anything with your home. Well, you were wrong. Making changes to your home is fine as long as you don’t commit blunders that can put off potential buyers should you decide to sell in the next few yeras. But this is not always the case. Very often, […]

Is the Air Within Your Home Clean?

It’s a fact that many homes appear sparking clean internally and externally, but they can carry some not-so-nice odors which can be quite a put-off. So how do you determine the air quality within your home? By asking yourself some questions. Do your rooms have a musty smell or is there some moisture on the […]

Should You Go for Ready-Made Home Improvements?

Anyone with a little know how of home improvement will agree that ready-made goods are more economical than unfinished or customized materials. Even though initial costs appear higher in case of ready-made goods, when you consider labor costs, they’re still the cheaper alternative. We at Home Loan Advisor personally prefer customized stuff, but this is […]

Your House Belongs to You — Not Pests!

Pests can live anywhere—in apartments, houses, teepees, and trailers. They get into your home in boxes, bags, and even come in from beneath the doors. They manage to squeeze in through cracks as small as the thickness of a coin. Did you know that roaches can go without food for a whole month? From the […]

Home Repairs: Don’t Ignore Them

You don’t like to spend your weekends repairing the roof or fixing a clogged kitchen sink, do you? Well, if you are like most people, you don’t. Most of us don’t enjoy doing odd jobs around the house. That is why we put off these tasks. We assume that they are not urgent and that […]

Choosing Home Security Systems

There’s been a steady spate of house burglaries in the recent past. Each break-in costs homeowners dearly. The installation of a home security system provides a strong deterrent. Crooks get the message that your home isn’t an easy target and they look towards other options. You are required to pay monthly monitoring fees but for […]

Winter Home Maintenance Checklist

December brings with it a lot of tasks that you need to complete to keep your home comfortable and secure. It is also the right time to prepare your home improvement plans for the coming year. The first big snowfall of the season usually hits in December. This annual ritual also gives you an opportunity […]