Making the Most of Your Email Marketing Campaign
Many marketers know that email is an important medium for reaching target audiences. The challenge is to ensure that the business emails they send do not end up in the spam box. Hundreds of billions of emails are sent very year, but it is estimated that almost 70% of these are marked as spam. As […]
Inexpensive Marketing Ideas
Marketing plays a huge role in the success of a business, no matter how big or small the business is. When business owners are on a budget, marketing may seem like a challenge. Luckily, you can boost your business without spending a fortune. A creative approach means more than having a big budget for marketing. […]
How to Effectively Work a Lead | Definitive Guide
There’s more to leads than generating them. Once you have generated (or purchased) the leads, the work is nearly just beginning. Now you have to work those leads and market them. Anyone can buy leads; it’s what you do with them afterwards that can set you apart from all of the other marketers. Is lead […]
10 Ways for Small Businesses to Generate Leads
Anyone running a small insurance or real estate business is most certainly looking for ways to generate leads. There are more old-fashioned approaches such as newspaper advertisements, and then there are newer tactics such as social media. To get the best results and generate as many leads as possible, it is best not to overlook […]
Real Estate Marketing: How Important is It?
Real estate marketing is extremely important in today’s real estate industry, and it’s a vital skill that can possibly make or break a real estate business. Many real estate agents fall into a cycle of mediocrity that hinders their growth in the industry. This is where fresh and creative real estate marketing ideas come in. […]
Real Estate Big Data Trends
Every year, IT industry experts provide a forecast for the year ahead. Something similar happened this year too, but the predictions had something unique about them. Each emerging tech trend insisted that big data will prevail and flourish across businesses of all types and sizes. This includes the real estate niche that seems very enthusiastic […]
Using Facebook as a Marketing Tool
Facebook has more than 1 billion active users. This is a market that businesses are discovering and definitely should not be ignored. Yet most businesses- including real estate businesses– do not understand how to use Facebook to benefit their company. Part of the problem is there is a lot of industry noise that provides conflicting […]
Get Smarter and More Competitive with Big Data
Big data has different interpretations with the common thought being that a data driven business is more likely to survive and flourish. Your big data interpretation too isn’t flawed unless you equate more data as big data. You need to guard against this misconception—big data is all about acquiring more actionable data and not becoming […]
Common House Marketing Mistakes
Even when there’s a lull in the real estate market, I’ve found that certain people manage to get reasonably good prices for their homes. So why do some homes get good offers? I’ve heard real estate dealers claim that this doesn’t really have much to do with the actual home in question. So what works […]