Inexpensive Marketing Ideas

Marketing plays a huge role in the success of a business, no matter how big or small the business is. When business owners are on a budget, marketing may seem like a challenge. Luckily, you can boost your business without spending a fortune. A creative approach means more than having a big budget for marketing. […]

How to Effectively Work a Lead | Definitive Guide

There’s more to leads than generating them. Once you have generated (or purchased) the leads, the work is nearly just beginning. Now you have to work those leads and market them. Anyone can buy leads; it’s what you do with them afterwards that can set you apart from all of the other marketers. Is lead […]

The Parts of a Profitable Lead Generation Strategy

Profitable business owners know that the key to sales is a lead generation strategy that works. Leads are always there, waiting on the Internet. But getting them can be challenge when you don’t know where to start with your campaign. You need a lead generation campaign that is powerful and driven towards profitable results. This […]

Reinsurance Rates: Progressive Downfall Stimulates Industry Changes

Reinsurance rates had started to dip last year and it seems the trend will continue . In recent months, the dip has been clearly visible, across the nation, with more insurance companies employing better, refined models. The Current Trending, Explained Insurance agents were expecting this trend to continue. The reasons have been somewhat palpable for […]

Using Facebook as a Marketing Tool

Facebook has more than 1 billion active users. This is a market that businesses are discovering and definitely should not be ignored. Yet most businesses- including real estate businesses- do not understand how to use Facebook to benefit their company. Part of the problem is there is a lot of industry noise that provides conflicting […]

Get Ready to Test Your Big Data Preparedness

The big data transformation is underway. Real estate businesses realize that their management roles and product development methodologies need to become more data-driven. Overall, big data is new to most companies. Many of them can get easily overwhelmed by its enormous potential. Here, we present answers to some big data questions that should help you […]

Get Smarter and More Competitive with Big Data

Big data has different interpretations with the common thought being that a data driven business is more likely to survive and flourish. Your big data interpretation too isn’t flawed unless you equate more data as big data. You need to guard against this misconception—big data is all about acquiring more actionable data and not becoming […]

How Big Data Creates Value for Businesses and Consumers

It would be wrong to state that big data creates value for businesses only. Yes, this is the common perception, but customers have nearly as much to benefit from a data driven marketplace as real estate businesses. Understand this with an Example An example that beautifully mirrors the benefits of big data adoption across the […]

Can’t Decide How to Spend on SEO for Your Business? We Can Help

SEO is a service based industry and it’s difficult to arrive at specific “guidelines” regarding what the cost of SEO should be. Many factors affect it – the competitive landscape, market demand, and what suits an individual business. Like any business, different factors are involved. The cost structure of a home based single-person organization which […]

Guidelines to Advertising on Social Media

As a small business owner, you may not find it easy to navigate the somewhat complex structure of the social media advertising arena. It doesn’t make sense to hop on to the social media bandwagon because you’ve heard about other small businesses radically enlarging themselves through this platform. This is not enough, the magic happens […]