Internet Mortgage Lead Generation Ideas

Online Lead Generation

It’s a fact that you need leads to get clients. And you can get internet mortgage leads. But do they convert? The answer is a resounding yes! The Global Digital Statistics 2014 Report indicated that there are about 2.5 billion people using the Internet actively. Moreover, an analysis of 3.5 million mortgage leads generated online […]

Real Estate Marketing: How Important is It?

Real estate marketing is extremely important in today’s real estate industry, and it’s a vital skill that can possibly make or break a real estate business. Many real estate agents fall into a cycle of mediocrity that hinders their growth in the industry. This is where fresh and creative real estate marketing ideas come in. […]

Older Americans Facing Substantial Mortgage Debt

A few decades ago, homeowners could retire without a mortgage. They could enjoy the golden years of their life. But the refinancing trend resulted in a great deal of mortgage debt. Many people also bought homes later in life, and this is another reason why retirees will be left with a mortgage. According to an […]