House Inspections 101

If you’ve purchased a home before, you probably already know about home inspections. If you are a first-time home buyer, you might not be so well-informed. Since approximately two out of every five properties have major defects, it makes sense to get your property inspected. Your home is your biggest investment, and failing to get […]

10 Financial Musts after Buying a Home

You’ve bought a house and you now a proud homeowner—Congratulations! It probably feels good, and it should. You have probably been through many obstacles and put a lot of time into the home buying process, and it has finally paid off. If you think the purchasing process was time-consuming and difficult, the hard part is […]

Tips to Monitor Your Energy Costs in Your Home

Conscientious homeowners are generally concerned about their energy use, and for good reason. Whether you live in a house or condo, it’s a good idea to evaluate your home energy costs.  The seasons are changing, and colder weather will be moving in for most states. It’s the perfect time to take a detailed look at […]

How to Find Your Dream Neighborhood

If you are thinking of buying a new house, you should consider the neighborhood. After all, what would be the point of buying a lovely home in an area you don’t particularly like? Before you invest your money in a new house, it’s wise to do a little research to find the area you want […]

Refinancing Costs You Should Know About

If you are like many homeowners, you are thinking about refinancing your mortgage. Perhaps you are still in the midst of your decision, or maybe you have already decided that you are going to refinance. Wherever you are in the process of refinancing, there are costs that you should know about. While refinancing can potentially […]

Reasons Not to Refinance Your Home

Refinancing can be a positive decision for many homeowners because it can lower their monthly payment and save them money. But in spite of what you may have heard, refinancing is not for everyone, and there are many reasons why. The problem is that so many homeowners focus on the money-saving aspect of refinancing that […]

What You Should Know Before Refinancing

Many homeowners ask themselves: Should I refinance? The answer depends on many factors. Whether you want to pay off loans or improve your home, refinancing takes some time and patience. Before you decide to begin the process of refinancing, take some time to figure out if refinancing is right for you. The decision to refinance […]

Top 10 Reasons Why It’s a Good Idea to Buy a Home

If you are thinking about buying a house and need some convincing, there are some good reasons why you should take the plunge. While owning your home comes with a great deal of planning and responsibility, there are many benefits that outweigh any grievances of being a homeowner. If you are renting now, you are […]

Thinking about Refinancing? Here are Reasons Why It’s a Good Idea

Like many homeowners, you probably want a lower interest rate and a shorter mortgage. If you are considering refinancing your mortgage, it can take a lot of effort and time to begin the process. While there are some not-so-pleasing aspects of refinancing, it can be a good financial move if your mortgage payment is lowered. […]