Choose Home Security Systems Smartly

There’s been a steady spate of house burglaries in the recent past. Each break-in costs homeowners dearly. The installation of a home security system provides a strong deterrent. Crooks get the message that your home isn’t an easy target and they look towards other options.

You are required to pay monthly monitoring fees but for true peace of mind, I think the returns are well worth the expenses. It’s reassuring to know that someone is looking after your home 24/7, whether or not you’re in town.

Installing a home security system can also help you save money. Insurers reduce premiums by 5 to 20 percent during each year if you’re a homeowner. This implies that a security system can often cover its costs in as little as three years.

Defer calling a pro

Do not sign up for home security without due consideration. Before you get an installer in, spend some time in giving your windows, doors, and entry points a detailed look. If your doors and locks require upgrading, installing new security equipment will not help much. After your security audit is done with and you’ve identified areas of vulnerability, you’re ready to call security companies for estimates.

How security systems work

A home security system generally consists of a main keypad put up in the entryway which communicates with other smaller motion detectors and contact sensors. The smaller equipment is attached to windows and doors of the house. The brain of the system is the control panel and this is generally installed in the utility room or attic.

If an intruder kicks a door or breaks a window, sensors direct signals towards the control panel. This in turn uses the phone line to connect to a monitoring station with security personnel which is off site. A loud siren is also set off.

Security staff rings up your house immediately and prompts you to give your password. In case of no response, or an incorrect password offered, the local law enforcement is notified.


There are wide variations in equipment costs, depending on the options you choose. Some security companies offer basic packages at deep discounts and sometimes even free in order to get business. They recover their costs through your monthly monitoring fees.

Selecting an installer

There may be options between hiring a local firm or a national company. Sometimes national firms assure you that their networks are fabulous and if one center loses power, another picks up the slack.

In spite of this, some home security experts are of the opinion that it’s best to work with local installers. They feel local firms are likely to have more hands-on experience with the equipment as compared to large national companies.

However, if you decide to go local, ensure that you quiz your provider regarding provisions made if the power shuts down due to a blizzard and things like that.

 Don’t become a weak link yourself

I’ve seen that more often than not, it’s homeowners who defeat security systems, not burglars. If you regard your security system as an irritation, or make use of it only when you’re away, you may forget how it operates and trigger false alarms inadvertently. This might result in levying of fines by the local law enforcement. So make sure you know how to use your system, make use of it regularly and educate your family too.

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