Avoid These Startup marketing mistakes


There are some common marketing mistakes that startup business owners make that regretfully affects their business profitability and efficiency. As a startup business owner, you should avoid this mistake! Let’s discuss some of these common mistakes and how you should avoid them.

Lack of a clear marketing strategy

One of the biggest mistakes that startup entrepreneurs make is working out few ideas and expecting them to work the magic. What most of them don’t know is that what works is a carefully crafted and strategized marketing plan. A poorly designed and planned marketing campaign can massively incur the company huge losses. Therefore, it’s recommended that an entrepreneur designs a long-term marketing plan that will ensure a continuous flow of profits rather than short-term plan accompanied by massive losses.

Lack of testing processes

Many kick starters fail to make sure that all processes of a website work which eventually incurs their company’s losses. Therefore, it’s highly recommended that before the launch of a website or a promotional internet site, every aspect of the site should be tested. All the toll-free numbers should be operational, and the links need to take the customer to the relevant service or product page.

Failing to cater to mobile users

In the current world, mobile phone searches now surpass the computer searches.Marketing targeted to the desktop users translates in such a way that most of the startups are missing much from the mobile users. It’s highly recommended that your startup website is mobile responsive, meaning that features such as website graphics, creative features, and texts should work on mobile devices. It’s also recommended that the website resizes well for smaller mobile devices and also avoid the use of flash-based graphics and videos that do not work on mobile phones.

Lack of patience

Most of the startup entrepreneurs lack the patience that is of essence for a typical startup success, and most of them make unethical and illegal shortcuts to acquiring customers, raise capital and level of the competition they face. What most of these entrepreneurs fail to understand is that these shortcuts may highly affect business credibility or even get people convicted when caught.

Not utilizing and becoming involved with reviews

According to reports documented approximately 88% of the consumers use reviews as references before product purchase. Reviews are an important tool for internet marketing, and maintaining an excellent online reputation is of importance than ever.

Inadequate utilization of company blog

Research shows that when businesses utilize blogs, their site can receive a substantial amount of traffic. Company blogs that post well-researched and valuable posts that enlighten and solve reader’s problems can improve the positioning of the company in their respective niche and help in building loyalty and trust.

Failure to segment email lists

Most of the startup companies send generic email messages to their clients, and this mainly results to the customers marking them as spam. It’s, therefore, important as an entrepreneur you ensure that the email send is appropriately delivered to the inboxes of the right clients. For example, customers interested in a particular product should receive emails/newsletters based on such products to persuade them to purchase the product.

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