Can’t Decide How to Spend on SEO for Your Business? We Can Help

SEO is a service based industry and it’s difficult to arrive at specific “guidelines” regarding what the cost of SEO should be. Many factors affect it – the competitive landscape, market demand, and what suits an individual business. Like any business, different factors are involved. The cost structure of a home based single-person organization which […]

Google Encrypted Search’s Effect on Your Online Business

A lot of changes have been happening in Google lately. Here’s some information regarding Google Encrypted Search and its effect on your online business. Google Encrypted Search explained Google introduced Encrypted Search in 2010 to keep information about their users (such as Chrome and Gmail users) who were logged in securely. This security has now been […]

Social Media Strategies to Increase ROI

Measuring the return on investment for social media marketing efforts can be quite a challenge. This is especially true for companies accustomed to traditional advertising models. With the number of consumers using the web as their primary mode for purchase increasing every day, businesses cannot afford to overlook social media marketing. This involves exploring, discovering, […]