Strategies for Generating Mortgage Leads

In the mortgage business, generating mortgage leads is not an easy task. Yet, there are some institutions which manage this task so efficiently that they leave their competitors in awe. After conducting some extensive research with mortgage loan originators, loan professionals, loan officers, and brokers; our business analysts have come up with some of the best practices and strategies used to find mortgage leads.

Advertise aggressively

Your personal website needs to be a part of your marketing campaign. It has to be managed in a way that you get more and more inquiries. You know that you have good knowledge of the mortgage business, but how will the visitors to your site know about it? Articles. Simple and interesting-to-read articles explaining loan programs and other stuff related to the business. Give some tips and ideas to show that you know what you are talking about. However, make sure you don’t copy an article off the web. If you are finding it difficult to write articles yourself, you can take help from someone who can.

Access all the forums such as magazines on real estate business, blogs related to mortgages and etc. Make sure your presence is visible in these places. The more you’re visible on these sites, the higher the chances are of consumers identifying you and connecting with you.

Community networking! Expand your circle of business by regularly visiting trade shows and seminars related to the industry. Leave for your visiting cards with others and ask for theirs. Check what people are discussing about. Present your views too. These places offer great spots for ‘fishing.’ Also, you might get to learn some new tricks while you are there.

Circulate flyers of your innovative programs and their features in your vicinity from time to time. Let people know that you are still in business and have the latest updates and offers for them. Although it’s the era of online advertising, old tricks like flyers can still do the trick.

Less tapped resources

Very few lenders pay attention to companies which specialize and focus only on generating mortgage leads. The general attitude is that these companies are only for big corporate firms. NO. If you scan some of these companies well enough, there are those who can offer fresh leads not sold to other parties. Be the early bird with these guys. You’ll have to dedicate time to identify the right ones, but if you are determined and skilled, you will spot the right ones.

The abandoned follow-ups: Usually, after loan officers leave their companies, their follow-ups’ sheets and files containing notes on potential clients are left untouched (to be touched someday in the future) Bad practice. Access and study these abandoned documents. There might be clients listed under “call later”. Try tapping them too. Use repetitive follow-ups for potential borrowers.

Some of these tips may appear familiar and old to you, but there’s a reason why they still exist! So give them a chance. Also, please check the second part of this article to for more strategies and ideas.

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